Lift others to lift yourself: Biren Ghose

“Creativity isachieved very simply bydoing just one thing. That is,if you want to lift yourselfup, lift someone else. Mostof creativity is done ingroups that work together asa team and get a fantasticoutcome together,” saidBiren Ghose, the countryhead for Technicolor, onMonday, February 24.He was adressing studentsof St Joseph's College(Autonomous) at theinauguration of Meraki, thenationallevelart andanimation festival conductedby the college's Departmentof Communication.Speaking as the chief guestfor the event, Ghose said“moments createmovements.” He alsotouched upon the evolutionof animation from the timeWalt Disney introduced huesin cartoons because he feltthe true essence of a specificcartoon film would be lost inblack and white.

Ghose then went on toexplain that when he joinedthe animation buisness, hewas unaware of the pace inwhich media and technologywould change.He gave examples of howanimation is today used tocreate entities like digitaldoubles and how thedeceased actor Paul Walkerwas brought back to life forthe seventh Fast and Furiousfilm. He also said, “Storiesdon’t change. It’s the wayyou present them and theway you package them thatchanges.”

Students were also told howyoung actor Neel Sethi was animated for 2030 percent of his screen time as Mowgliin Disney's live actionversion of The Jungle Bookbecause the studio feltperforming dangerous stuntscould be risky for the boy.He ended his lecture bydispelling the notion thatartists are wellroundedindividuals who have manyartistic talents. He said manypeople in the industry arelinear as they can do onlyone thing well.
