Inter Religious Harmony Movement

IRHM, an association of St. Joseph’s College, calls you to explore innovative ways to enhance and promote inter-religious dialogue, mutual understanding and harmony between all people Regardless of their faith. The Theme for the year 2020-21 is “CELEBRATING CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Celebrating our common humanity and affirming the glory of diversity”.

  • Student Coordinator : Ms. Jyothi Rathod (20JIP058) - 6362731127
  • Assistant Student Coordinator : Ms. Melanie (20PEM21) - 8971624952
  • Treasurer : Mr. Syed Abu Jaffer (20BCOMA027) - 9740442312
  • Official Email address:
  • Social Media Handles: YouTube channel : IRHM SJC
    Instagram Page: IRHM SJC(@irhm_sjc) Name of the Event Month(tentative)
1. Inauguration November 12,2020
2. Poetry Contest December
3. Poster Making Competition December
4. Video making and Photography January
5. Open mike and Discussion January
6. Interfaith conference January
7. World Interfaith Harmony week
Competition between classes
- dance battle
- music
- art(painting, sketching, sand art, etc)
- treasure hunt
- quiz
- costume contest
February 1st week
8. Food Festival February
9. Yoga and meditation session March
10. Resource person talk December and February
11. Events in Collaboration with
other associations/institutions
Whenever feasible

Father Simon Paul D'souza



Prof. Divina Reshma Lobo



