St. Joseph's College, 36 Lalbagh Road, Bangalore, Karnataka

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We live in a world where the use of statistical data is pivotal to comprehending many issues around us. The Department of Statistics in St. Joseph’s college was established in 2010. The Department of statistics is committed to excellence in teaching and equipping students to become practicing Statisticians. The Department provides a platform to the students to analyze the real-life data, drawing conclusions, and supporting conclusions by explaining the reasoning behind them. The Department also offers two certificate courses namely “Statistics using SPSS and MS excel” and “Data Science and Analytics”. The programme also includes internship and projects with analysis of real-life data. The main objectives of the department are to acquaint students with various statistical methods and their application in different fields, cultivate statistical thinking among students, develop skills in handling complex problems in data analysis and research design and to prepare students for future courses having quantitative components.

Department aims to instill scientific temper, analytical skills and intellectual vigor among students, that they may contribute to the needs of society. Department aims to provide students with life-oriented education through projects of social relevance. The department is offering eight papers in six semesters for the students of EMS Course. These papers introduce basic statistical tools needed for post graduate study in statistics/applied statistics. These papers are designed to impart the learning of statistical methods and tools, which is expected to improve student’s ability to analyse various types of real-life data. Introduction to Probability and Statistics and theoretical probability distributions are papers that helps students to acquire basic knowledge in statistics, understand the importance of statistics and will provide students basic knowledge in probability models and their applications in real life problems. The papers Statistical Inference- I and Statistical Inference -II provides basic knowledge in estimation theory.

Ms Architha M

Assistant Professor


Dr Archana V

Assistant Professor

Dr Suresha Kharvi

Assistant Professor

PG Coordinator

Mr Ebenezer R

Assistant Professor

Dr Raghunath M

Assistant Professor

Dr Shubhashree Joshi

Assistant Professor

Mr Gokul Kanna

Assistant Professor

Ms Arpita Iranna

Assistant Professor

Ms Liya Elizabeth Antony

Assistant Professor